A New Home for IOB
The scientific achievements of IOB depend on the close collaboration between the lab and the clinic. That is why the institute needs an integrated building where researchers and clinicians can work hand in hand, exchanging ideas and expertise. Currently, IOB is relying on donations for the specialized interior fittings of a new, integrated building.
Patronage committee

Dr. Christoph Eymann, former National Councillor, chairs the Patronage Committee, which is responsible for raising funds for the specialized interior of the future IOB building.
As members of the Patronage Committee, the following individuals are committed to IOB's visionary project:
Elisabeth Ackermann Patrick Aebischer Kathrin Amacker Gianfranco Balestra Christoph Brutschin Roland P. Bühlmann Robert-Jan Bumbacher Andreas Burckhardt Leonhard A. Burckhardt Carlo Conti Corina Eichenberger Marco Fischer Edgar Fluri Hans Furer Jeanne Fürst Marco Gadola Pascal Gantenbein Marc-André Giger Josef Helfenstein Bruno Henggi Eva Herzog Robert Heuss Peter Holenstein Samuel T. Holzach Markus Hosang Claude Janiak Gabriella Karger Gottlieb Keller | Sam Keller Heinrich Koller Markus Lehmann Susanne Leutenegger Oberholzer Ralph Lewin Hubertus Ludwig Peter Manzoni Stephan Mumenthaler Jürg Schifferli Jörg Schild Peter Schmid-Scheibler Barbara Schneider Dieter W. Scholer Benno Schubiger Luca Selva Rolf Soiron Thomas Staehelin Roland Stark Christoph Stutz Lukas Stutz-Kilcher Marcel Tanner Patricia von Falkenstein Béatrix von Sury d'Aspremont Hans-Peter Wessels Peter Widmer Christine Wirz-von Planta Urs Wüthrich-Pelloli Raphael Wyniger |
Want to find out more?
If you need more information, feel free to contact us at info@iob.ch. We will be happy to answer your questions!
Bank details
Institut für molekulare und klinische Ophthalmologie Basel
UBS Switzerland AG, Postfach, 4002 Basel
IBAN CH92 0023 3233 2219 5301 Q
Reference: “New home for IOB”
Your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The government council of the canton Basel-Stadt has decided on December 13th, 2021, that donations from citizens of Basel-Stadt to IOB can be deducted in full from cantonal taxes.